Back From Hiatus

Sorry for the radio silence for the past few weeks, folks. I’ve been busy promoting the book and, last week, getting married and going on my honeymoon. You can understand why the Better Half might not have liked me compiling lists of songs during that time period.

Anyway, I’m still playing catch-up this week, which means I’m just touching base today to let you all know I’m alive. For those of you who may have missed it, American Songwriter ran a bunch of excerpts from Counting Down Bruce Springsteen: His 100 Finest Songs in the last week or so. Check those out when you get the chance.

Speaking of the book, hopefully everybody in the U.S, who ordered it has received it by now. If you have and you’ve had the chance to read it, and if you have a few minutes in your day, a review on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or whatever book site you use would be greatly appreciated.

Next week I’ll be back with another edition of the Tuesday touts, and I may have another list in me soon, although when that occurs depends on how quickly I get into the research for my next Counting Down book project (stay tuned for that as well.)

So keep watching for updates, and thanks, as always, for reading.

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